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Skin Treatments

All our Skincare treatments include a double cleanse, mask and facial massage

We tailor the products used for your skin-type - we only use natural vegan products. 


Skin Tightening Facial
Also Known As The Natural Instant Face & Neck Lift


Radio frequency is all about stimulating your own collagen production.

During a treatment a machine is used to heat the skin to between 38-40 degrees, which feels like a hot stone face massage. 

Radio Frequency can help reduce lines and is great for softening fine lines – especially the nose to mouth lines – as well as lifting the cheeks and tightening the jawline, so it's great for age prevention.

You get an immediate tightening of the collagen fibres, so it's great to do before an event, but it also gives a long-lasting lift and increased volume. It also continues to promote collagen production over the four-six weeks following a treatment. 

Clients experience a gentle, relaxing warmth against the skin. The following day it is common to experience a glowing feeling in the deeper layers and possibly some movement. 

After treatment with the radio frequency non surgical face lift and neck lift it is important to keep the skin moisturised and ensure that you use sun protection as the skin can be a little sensitive. 

It takes approximately 30 minutes to treat a whole face. There is no downtime – you could easily have a treatment at lunchtime and go out that evening looking amazing! 




Dermaplaning is great way to deeply exfoliate and remove the dead build-up of thick skin cells.

Dermaplaning brightens the skin, increase cell turnover and makes the face feel smoother.

It is a safe, powerful ways to get that glow and allow make-up to glide on.

  • Provides deeper product penetration.

  • Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils.

  • Promotes smoother skin.

  • Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and “peachfuzz”

  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars.

  • Diminishes the look of fine lines.

  • Works on all skin types.




Microneedling treatment uses small needles to create tiny punctures in the skin, which then triggers a wound healing response that renews the skin cells. As part of this, collagen and elastin are produced and give an almost immediate plumping effect, reducing fine lines and wrinkles as well as decreasing any scarring. Also, because the body heals itself and there are no chemicals involved, you can promote it as a natural treatment even though it’s slightly invasive.

We then use Cliniccare mesotherapy cocktails to suit to individual skin needs.
Cliniccare has a mixture of skin rejuvenating, hydrating, firming, tightening and antioxidant ingredients to restore moisture and firmness caused by the degradation of native hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers. 

Benefits of Micro-Needling 

  • Enhances texture of skin

  • Reduces open pores

  • Stimulates collagen production

  • Can help reduce scars and hyper pigmentation

  • Can reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Before your microneedling treatment you should avoid the use of self tanning products for up to 48 hours, and avoid sun exposure and the use of skin products that contain vitamin A or retinol for 24 hours.

After the treatment its normal for your skin to be slightly pink/red. This is due to the stimulation of the treatment and will subside within a few hours, makeup should be avoided for 12 hours post treatment for optimal results.

Although primarily used on the face, the treatment can be conducted anywhere on the body and is suitable for all skin types and colours. It can treat a variety of skinconditions, from deep wrinkles to sun damage and pigmentation, and is particularly effective on scars.

We recommend a course of 4-6 sessions 4-6 weeks apart. The results of microneedling are not permanent, and you will require treatment on a regular basis in order to maximise and maintain these results. 


Bespoke Facial


During a Bespoke Facial your practitioner will discuss your skin concerns and decide on the best treatment plan to target the correct skin issue. 

This could include any of the treatments listed and the following: 
-High Frequency:  this is great if you are struggling with spots as this kills the bacteria on the ski, whilst also helping to shrink pores and reduce the appearance of sun damage. 
Microderbrasion: this uses crystals and suction to remove dirt from the pores whilst exfoliating the top layer of dead skin. 

Facials: Services


WOW Fusion

The WOW Fusion device is an innovative small needling device with a glass vial attached that allows your practitioner to make a bespoke skincare cocktail that is tailored to your skin needs. 

The needle head contains 20 titanium 24k gold plated needles which are then pushed into the skin in a gentle stamping motion. The bespoke skin care ingredients are then delivered in to the skin below the surface. But don’t worry! The needles are so thin, they make a small trauma without the pain, meaning you get the benefit of micro needling with the addition of mesotherapy. 

The micro needling helps stimulate collagen and elastin for more youthful looking skin and the WOW fusion serum hydrates, brightens, stimulates and improves the texture and tone of skin. You can even add botulinum toxin into the “cocktail” for extra skin boosting and tightening results. The results last over 3 months from one treatment… WOW!

Facials: Services
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